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Top Benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery

Top Benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery

  • By Harleys Clinic
  • Mar, 13 2020

Hair loss is a very common problem nowadays for women and men both, for men main cause for hair loss includes hormones and genetic factors while for women main cause for hair loss could be hormonal changes.


Though at an initial stage, when a person starts experiencing hair loss, the damage can be restored, by minimum lifestyle changes, improving the intake of vitamins and minerals required for hair growth.


But, if he/she has reached an advance grade of hair loss that can’t be reversed, then the best suggested by Dr, Sumit Agarwal at Harleys hair transplant clinic in Mumbai is a Hair transplant procedure.


Hair transplant is a very simple process, of relocating a small number of hair follicles from the donor area (Area from where hair follicles are extracted) and then replanting it to affected areas.


Besides baldness, hair transplant surgery can also be used as aesthetic surgery, to replace hair lost due to injury, burns, or diseases of the scalp.


Other than scalp hair transplant, few men who are very conscious about their looks opt for beard hair transplant, moustache hair transplant, chest hair transplant, & women do opt for eye-lashes, and brow.



Top Advantage of hair transplant includes:


Permanent: Yes, Hair transplant is a permanent and reliable hair loss solution that assures to help your hair grow back, other than other hair loss solutions offered, it hope for patients who are in the advanced stage and are experiencing patches or male of female balding patterns.


Natural looks: Back in the days, when surgeons started practising hair transplant procedures, the results were not that promising, due to lack of proper equipment’s, but with the advancement in hair transplant equipment’s and methods like FUT/FUE, the results produced by hair transplant procedure are exceptionally brilliant, & it would be impossible for a person to tell if you had a hair transplant procedure.


Simple: Hair transplant is a very simple, surgical procedure, conducted under local anesthesia, & if the hair transplant surgeon follows the basics of hair transplant surgery, the complications after hair transplant surgery are zero. Best advised, if you have any medical condition, do consult it with your surgeon, so he can advise you the best possible measure, to overcome the obstacles.


Aesthetic: Most patients that visit Harley’s hair transplant clinic have this one issue in common, “Their Appearances” are not happy about the way they look after their hair loss, for such patients hair transplant is the best aesthetic change that they receive. Hair transplant gives a more youthful appearance and increases their inner confidence in both personal and professional life.


Self-esteem: Early age hair loss, or balding can make you look older than your age, this can be devastating for individuals, adding to it, Simple criticism, advice, conversation or jokes from friends, family members or collogues can add on to low confidence level. Hair transplant gives you a way to regain your youthful looks and regain your lost self-esteem.


Maintenance: After treating the affected area through hair transplant surgery, it required minimal care, just need follow your hair transplant surgeon guidelines, and once your hair starts showing up, you don’t need any kind of medication, chemicals or shampoo to maintain or retain the hair growth.


Saves your Money: Yes, hair transplant surgery can save your hard-earned money, people just think of the onetime high cost they had to pay for a hair transplant surgery, but you will pay once and will enjoy the permanent and long-lasting results for the rest of your life, but if you opt for other hair restoration procedures, they might sound cheap now, but as you have to undergo the procedure again and again to maintain the results, the cumulative amount for such hair restoration procedure surpasses the onetime cost of hair transplant surgery, and results from hair restoration procedure other than hair transplant surgery are also not satisfactory.


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